<aside> 💡 wiggle or wig files are files that store some kind of signal (usually just a number) associated with a nucleotide.

To visualise and thus load wig files into JBrowse (genome browser), you need to convert them to bigWig first.

Here I show how to convert wig to bigwig using the command line tool wigToBigWig.




  1. Prepare your chrom.sizes file which lists the sizes of all chromosomes. The file will look like this:

    cat chrom.sizes
    I	230218
    II	813184
    III	316620
    1. Create a fasta index from the fasta file that your wiggle file is associated with:

      samtools faidx <example.fasta>

      This creates a .fai file which is your index file.

    2. Cut that index down to only contain the chrom sizes

      cut -f1,2 <example.fai> > chrom.sizes
  2. Now, run wigToBigWig:

wigToBigWig <in.wig> <chrom.sizes> <out.bw>